About Travelling Me

I've loved travelling since I was a child and vivid are the memories from my childhood when I went gold panning with my dad in the deepest and most wildest forest in Finnish Lapland or when we saw and ate bear meat in Sweden. I travelled with my dad every summer from I was 8 till I was 18. It was summers filled with excitement and adventures.

Since growing up I've travelled more and more and so far I've been to countries/independent states.

  1. Noway
  2. Sweden
  3. Finland
  4. Denmark
  5. Germany
  6. Netherlands
  7. Belgium
  8. Switzerland
  9. Austria
  10. France
  11. England
  12. Scotland
  13. Wales
  14. Spain
  15. Italy
  16. Slovenia
  17. Croatia
  18. Poland
  19. Lithuania
  20. Monaco
  21. Greece
  22. Cyprus
  23. Czech republic
  24. Slovakia
  25. Egypt
  26. Canada
  27. U.S.A
In addition to these, I've been to The Azores(Portuguese) and to the Canary Islands (Spanish).

Since moving to the England I have started "collecting" counties I have been in and so far this is how my map looks like :)

Green- visited
Pink- still to visit

Not bad eh? Mike and I love to travel around on little holidays in between our other holidays and England is so compact so you get to most places within a few hours drive so we can easily go somewhere after work on a Friday. :)

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